Sunday, November 4, 2007

MXI - Marketing Xocolate Internationally

So, who and what is MXI??? Here I will give you some insight about this wonderful company:

MXI Corp was established by the Founders of Pure De-lite Products, Inc. Pure De-lite was recognized as one of the leading distributors of low-carb, sugar-free chocolate in the United States, achieving over $3,000,000,000 in retail sales and partnering with some of the largest retail companies in the world. Some of those companies included, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, GNC, Albertsons, Eckerds, and CVS. For six consecutive years the best selling Pure De-lite product was the Pure De-lite dark chocolate bar.

It was during this time that the Founders began their journey to better understand the power of antioxidant-rich, healthy chocolate.

MXI Corp has combined the world's greatest super foods, raw cacao and acai, to develop the ultimate antioxidant products. In fact, MXI Corp with the development of its Xocai products, is now considered the category creator of high-antioxidant, healthy chocolate.

In my next post I will explain how the name Xocai came about and what it is composed of as well as some of the wonderful products made by this company.

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