Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why would you want to live longer?

Why does it seem that we are obsessed with living longer??

Have you ever watched the infomercials out?? They seem to all be targeted to losing weight, and looking younger!!!

Do we really need the quick fix?? Unfortunately it seems like we do...or one would think so because of all the commercials, informercials and ads out on the market...

What we should be concerned with is our health, not what we look like on the outside but what we are like on the inside...

It may be wonderful to look thin and slim and wrinkle-free but truly how healthy are we??

We need to worry about the food we eat and the amount...the types of food and the amount of exercise...

That is truly the only way to stay healthy!! Sure, we want the quick fix, but honestly how long did it take for us to get to the weight that we are?? How can we possibly lose it over night?? It is actually impossible!!!

The time is now to re-evaluate our lives and if we truly want to live longer and healthier, look at how we live...

It is impossible to live longer and healthier if we:

1. eat fast foods
2. smoke
3. drink alcohol
4. don't exercise
5. don't sleep enough hours (at least 7-8 hours per night)
6. don't reduce stress in our lives
7. don't take action today!!!

It isn't as hard as you may think!! Make the right choices, choose fruit instead of candy, or veggies instead of potato chips...

Make the effort to plan your meals ahead of time and shop accordingly...

It's amazing how this works and it will also save you money:)

The time is now to make the change in your life!! No one else will do it, but you!!!

I have all the confidence in the world that if you truly want to live your life healthy you can do it!!!

Until next time,
~Dr. Daisy

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